Orthanc Explorer 2 Modification upgrade

I need help with some configuration on the Orthanc Explorer 2; 1. I want Institution Name to be added to the table columns. 2. I want to restrict access to DICOM images based on the institution name associated with each user’s account. Specifically:

  • Regular users should only be able to view DICOM images from their registered institution.
  • Admin users, however, should have unrestricted access to view DICOM images from all institutions.
  1. The OHIF viewer is not working with the Orthanc Explorer 2.


  1. You can try to add the “InstitutionName” column in the StudyColumns configuraiton.

  2. I just answered the same question here

  3. Can you tell us more ?

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Wow, thank you so much for the help. I tried number 1 and added InstitutionName in the StudyListColumns inside the DefaultConfiguration.json file, yet the addition did not reflect on the frontend for OE2.

Yes for number 3, when i click on the OHiF view button, it opens a new tab with blank page,

The console error i get is the followimg :
"Error while trying to use the following icon from the Manifest: https://haske.online:5000/assets/android-chrome-144x144.png (Download error or resource isn’t a valid image)

Please have a look on that: Asking for support — Orthanc Book documentation
Then, you can come back here with the stuff we need to help you.

@alainmazy is already responding to me.

The second post was a follow up to my first post.

Strange because this works on my machine:

    "OrthancExplorer2" : {
      "UiOptions" : {
        "EnableApiViewMenu": true,
        "StudyListColumns" : [

The android…144x144 not found is not a real error, this happens on many systems and it is not critical.

So you’ll have to provide a detailed description of your setup because OHIF works on standard setups.

Do you think the reason Institution name is not reflecting is because i have not done the compilation


Okay, let me give a run through of all I did.

I downloaded the source code for OE2, then i ran the sudo script, followed by the npm run dev command as instructed on the github page.

In the source code, the DefaultConfiguration.json is in the Plugin folder, this is where I edited the file and added “InstitutionName”.

Yet it did not reflect.

What could be interfering with it, that is not allowing the reflection after modifying the json file.

Note: i am running the orthanc on docker image.

Hii, i ran here with excitement to tell you that it has worked…

Thank you so much…