Thanks once again for all the timely updates. however, we been trying to setup orthanc specifically Orthanc-Authorization from the orthanc-team for production here and we observed no image support for ARM64 on the docker hub.
what we have done so far that didn’t work
we’ve tried to pass the --platform linux/amd64
we’ve tried to use the binfmt “abstraction layer” that will automatically execute binaries using qemu. still didnt work
Hi, there is currently no official ARM64 image. I use a Mac Arm laptop and the osimis/orthanc x86 image runs without issue (albeit a bit slower). You can build an arm64 image, but there are a few plugins that aren’t compatible (osimis web viewer & Stone Viewer) and others that are very difficult to compile (google/azure object storage plugins).
I have been working on a reliable ARM64 build process for 12 months but can’t find the time to finish it sorry.
For those who wish to run orthanc docker images amd on ARM architecture and you’re faced with the exec user process caused: exec format errorhere’s the solution
Install the binfmt “abstraction layer” that will automatically execute binaries for you using qemu. This is a simple container that will configure your host for you:
docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
You can also specify a specific architecture this way
If you want, just add amd64
docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install amd64
Pass the –platform tag just before the image this way.
docker run -it --rm --platform linux/amd64 alpine:latest
P.s : do same for docker-compose
Each time you do a system reboot run the binfmt layer first as containers won’t start automatically on restart