Orthanc deployment on AWS using AWS CDK

Hi everyone,

I just published a project on AWS Samples which allows you to deploy Orthanc on AWS.

Features- “One-click” serverless deployment

  • Infrastructure is split into 3 interdependent stacks (Networking, Storage, ECS Fargate Cluster)
  • Configurable DICOM image storage (EFS or S3)
  • Configurable S3 Object Lifecycle policies to support archival scenarios
  • Secure HTTPS connection using Cloudfront
  • Automatic build of the official S3 plugin using a multi-stage Docker image file

You can find the source code here:


Kind regards,
Tamas Santa


Many thanks for this very interesting contribution!

I have just indexed it on the dedicated “OrthancContributed” repository on GitHub:

Kind Regards,
