Orthanc convert YBR to RGB but does not change metadata

Hi @alireza

Yes, I think this should be the default setting since:

  • this avoids transcoding server-side (less server CPU usage),
  • it transfers compressed data (less network bandwidth)

Best regards,


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Hi @alainmazy

How can we make this change in version OHIF v2?

No idea, sorry !


Alain Mazy

Hi @alireza ,
How can we make these changes in the OHIF v2 configuration?

dataSources: [

acceptHeader: [ ‘multipart/related; type=application/octet-stream; transfer-syntax=*’]

For anyone using OHIF v2 and want to try this fix, you should add the accept header inside beforeSend in platform/viewer/src/config.js


    beforeSend: function(xhr) {
      const headers = OHIF.DICOMWeb.getAuthorizationHeader();

      if (headers.Authorization) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', headers.Authorization);
    errorInterceptor: error => {
      // const { appConfig = {} } = AppContext;

      if (typeof appConfig.httpErrorHandler === 'function') {