Orthanc as DICOM client off site (ie not on same network as PACS)


I have just downloaded Orthanc and would like to set it up as a client to receive DICOMs sent from unrelated PCs outside of my local network. I need to review radiographs from different/unrelated clinics, and would like to have the clinics send DICOMs directly from their PACS to my PC. Is this possible? I couldn’t find a recipe for it in the blog/forums/FAQs. Any suggestions or yes/no would be much appreciated.

I am using Windows 10 at home, just a simple home network.
Thank you for your time.


Yes, this is definitely possible. Check out the “Orthanc peer” feature:

There are many threads on this forum about this feature, and about autorouting of DICOM images between Orthanc peers thanks to Lua scripting:
