If you want to try that you could add this as a method in a Python Plug-in Script, but you need to:
Install wkhtmltopdf in your Orthanc container, using .deb packages via wget that have the ‘QT’ support also.
Install dcmtk in your Orthanc container, or figure out how to call DcmtkBridge from the Plug-in, to make the dsr2html executable available.
Tweak the script to fit your configuration.
Tweak where it saves /development/temp.dcm /development/temp.html" in the container in your docker-compose, or mkdir
I extracted it from my master so there might be some stuff missing.
FROM osimis/orthanc:22.9.2
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN mkdir /python
# /python is bound to the host folder ./orthanc_python, but Orthanc needs to be restarted to see changes.
# /lua-scripts already exists in the container, and bound to lua in this folder. No need to restart to see changes, at least seems that way.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get --assume-yes install -y
*dcmtk *
added libpq-dev for import psycopg2
# Below is for the ARM M1 Architecture, library to support the PDF functions
RUN dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6-1.buster_arm64.deb
# Below is for the AMD Architecture, library to support the PDF functions
RUN wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases/download/0.12.6-1/wkhtmltox_0.12.6-1.buster_amd64.deb
RUN dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6-1.buster_amd64.deb
RUN pip3 install pydicom pynetdicom pdfkit imgkit hl7 wkhtmltopdf mysql-connector-python requests
RUN pip3 install psycopg2
COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /
python.py (Plug-in Script)
import shutil
import pdfkit # https://pypi.org/project/pdfkit/, sudo python3 -m pip install pdfkit
from pdfkit import configuration
from pdfkit import from_string
import pydicom # https://github.com/pydicom/pydicom, sudo python3 -m pip install pydicom
from pydicom.datadict import dictionary_keyword
from pydicom import dcmread, dcmwrite
from pydicom.filebase import DicomFileLike
from pydicom.dataset import Dataset, FileDataset, FileMetaDataset
from pydicom.uid import ExplicitVRLittleEndian, generate_uid
def ReceivedInstanceCallback(receivedDicom, origin):
Only do the modifications if via DICOM and ideally filter by AET.
orthanc.LogWarning('DICOM instance received in ReceivedInstanceCallback from ’ + str(origin))
dataset = dcmread(BytesIO(receivedDicom))
jsonTags = json.loads(orthanc.DicomBufferToJson(receivedDicom, orthanc.DicomToJsonFormat.HUMAN, orthanc.DicomToJsonFlags.NONE, 0))
orthanc.LogWarning(json.dumps(jsonTags, indent = 2, sort_keys = True))
if origin == orthanc.InstanceOrigin.DICOM_PROTOCOL:
Do Nothing for now
return orthanc.ReceivedInstanceAction.KEEP_AS_IS, None
elif origin == orthanc.InstanceOrigin.REST_API:
if “Modality” in jsonTags and jsonTags[‘Modality’] == “SR”:
orthanc.LogWarning("NEW SR INSTANCE VIA RESTAPI: "+json.dumps(jsonTags, indent = 2, sort_keys = True))
logging.info(“NEW SR INSTANCE VIA RESTAPI”+json.dumps(jsonTags, indent = 2, sort_keys = True))
If it an SR Modality type, use dcmtk dsr2html to convert to HTML, then
use wkhtmltopdf to convert to an encapsulated PDF for easier display.
pathtobinary = shutil.which(“dsr2html”)
dataset.save_as(“/development/temp.dcm” ,write_like_original=True)
cmd = pathtobinary + " -Ei /development/temp.dcm /development/temp.html"
os.system(cmd) # returns the exit status
pathtobinary = shutil.which(“wkhtmltopdf”)
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=pathtobinary)
options = {
‘page-size’: ‘Letter’,
‘margin-top’: ‘0.75in’,
‘margin-right’: ‘0.75in’,
‘margin-bottom’: ‘0.75in’,
‘margin-left’: ‘0.75in’,
‘footer-center’: ‘Page [page] of [toPage], [date]’,
‘encoding’: ‘utf-8’
pdf = pdfkit.from_file**(“/development/temp.html”**, False,options=options)
encoded = base64.b64encode(pdf).decode()
dicomdata = dict()
dicomdata[‘Force’] = True
dicomdata[‘Tags’] = {
“SeriesDescription”: jsonTags[‘SeriesDescription’]+“, SR Converted to PDF”,
“SequenceName” : “NA”,
“ImageComments”:“SR Converted using dsr2html & wkhtmltopdf”,
dicomdata[‘Content’] = “data:application/pdf;base64,”+encoded;
convertedSR = json.loads(orthanc.RestApiPost(‘/tools/create-dicom’, json.dumps(dicomdata)))
return orthanc.ReceivedInstanceAction.MODIFY, dataset_to_bytes(dataset)
Load up a sample SR instance through the RESTAPI / Explorer
It should create a PDF version of the SR.