Old OHIF Version in current Orthanc docker image

Hi everyone,
I have a question related to the current docker image of Orthanc v24.11.0. In the release notes, there is the following upgrade:
and if I check inside the “System Info” of Orthanc Explorer 2, I can see correctly this OHIF plugin version:

Unfortunately, If I open the “About” of OHIF viewer, its version is still 3.8.3 as shown below:

Then I checked inside the docker file for building the current Orthanc image and I saw this:

Did I do something wrong? Or the current docker image doens’t download the correct OHIF Viewer version? This is quite important, in order to fix the segmentation visualization issue inside the viewer.
Tks in advance,

Hi @Lorenzo

You are perfectly right ! Sorry for that !

I have just fixed it and it will be corrected in the next release that will come before the end of this week.

Thanks !


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Hi @alainmazy ,
I’ll wait for the next release then.
Thank you very much.