OE2: Inclusion of JOBS panel in explorer 2



    1. Thanks for the continuous effort and updates with OE2. however, no JOBS panel in OE2 to enable us to track jobs just like we in the default explorer, i think inclusion of this will be needed. its hard to track jobs except when you initiate one. i also want to say the information’s on the job page of default explorer makes it easy to understand the nature of job. inclusion of this will be appreciated.
    1. just an opinion, since we have study sharing included in OE2 i think we should also include EMAIL ing, after all, a study must be shared and i believe this will help to make orthanc better.

Thank you


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Hi Holakunle,

Totally agree with you and all of this is on our roadmap already but I just can’t tell you when this will be available.

Best regards,




Just wanted to ask if there’s update on this request. It will be greatly appreciated.

No progress on that topic so far.