We currently use clear canvas and have lost support on current server OS.
Is this switch fairly easy and will it accommodate storage, indexing to find images, and the ability to take the dicom images to jpeg to post in a dictation. We use Fluouroscopy for simple needle placement so do not need a lot a diagnostic function most need. I would appreciate anyones opinion. Thanks in advance
Welcome to Orthanc.
The following page provides a procedure in order to import a folder containing DICOM files to which you have direct access:
An alternative is to use the WebDAV support that is built in Orthanc:
Using either of those two import procedures, Orthanc will automatically store and index the images. Once the images are imported, the Stone Web viewer contains a button (to the top right) that allows you easily to download a JPEG screenshot:
Depending on the volume of your data, make sure to read the following page: