I would like to use a network drive for storage directory. During the setup, I'm selecting my network drive ( network location mount with a drive letter) but the setup utility told me this location never exist. The drive is mount and accessible. The host machine for my Orthanc server is a HyperV Windows server 2012 instance. The network driver is a shared drive from the host machine. is it possible to find a walk around.
Thank you
I have been contacted by private mail by the author of this message. I had not noticed that the question was also posted on the mailing list. So, I replicate our discussion:
From Sébastien, 2015-04-17:
You should ask this question to the InnoSetup team, as this is the software that is used to create the Windows installer:
To bypass this problem, you could:
- Install Orthanc onto the default “C:\Orthanc” folder,
- Stop the Orthanc service (in the Windows control panel),
- Move the content of “C:\Orthanc” to another drive (say, “E:\Orthanc”),
- Open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and fix the value of SOFTWARE\Orthanc\Orthanc Server\OrthancDir",
- Restart the Orthanc service (in the Windows control panel).
From the original author, 2015-04-17:
Mister Jodogne,
Thank you for your advice. I have tried to use your procedure to find a walk around to my problem. The service do not want to restart. This is the error I get

In the event viewer I get this error
The Orthanc service terminated with the following error:
Thank you for your help
From Sébastien, 2015-04-18:
This probably indicates that the Administrator user does not have read/write access to the network drive.
You should ask HyperV support why the InnoSetup installer of Orthanc does not allow to select this network drive.
As I do not have access to HyperV, I cannot help you further. I can only guarantee that such a setup is fine with VirtualBox, or with VMWare virtualization.