Mysql database performance and postgresql activation

Hello everyone and happy new year.

I wanted to ask some information about the mysql database integrated into orthanc. I was interested in knowing the amount of data it can keep before having performance problems, I also wanted to understand if to activate the use of the postgres database there was a need to add the relevant plugins, as I previously happened to create the database postgres, enable the “EnableIndex” function in the postgresql.json file to “true”, but continue to use mysql as there were no postgres-related plugins.

Thanks in advance, have a nice day

Hello @fabrizioferrara

I can’t really tell for mysql but, for postgres, I know of a few setups with 300-400 thousands of studies and hundreds of millions of instances (around 70 TB of data).

In general, the PostgreSQL plugin is more optimized than the MySQL one. Maybe the MySQL plugin will catch up some day …

To enable the PostgreSQL plugin, you must load the plugin and make sure the MySQL plugin is not loaded (doc).

Also note that if you have already ingested some data with MySQL, you should start a new Orthanc with PostgreSQL and transfer the data from the MySQL Orthanc to the PostgreSQL Orthanc with a script.

Hope this helps,
