Multiple Orthanc instances, 1 db -- /changes refers to instance or database?

This is a bit esoteric –

I have a system with several orthanc instances load-balancing for a single postgres backend.

When I query the REST API for /changes, should I expect to get back a list of changes from only the responding worker (“I personally handled these operations”) or an aggregated list of changes across all workers about the total the backend workload (“Altogether, we handled these operations”)? Or something else?


The changes are actually stored in the postgres DB so, you’ll actually get all changes from all orthanc workers (the aggregated lists).

However, note that it’s currently not 100% safe to have multiple orthanc writing to the same DB because of issue 83 ( Having multiple orthanc reading the same DB is perfectly safe.

Thanks for the insight, Alain.

I will keep my eye out for issue 83, but as far as I know (?), it
hasn't effected my setup. I use 3 load balancers that accept perhaps
10-20 slices/minute on average 24/7. They primarily accept data from
a single orthanc node that sits in front of them and converts DICOM
sends into HTTP peer transfers, so maybe that queue protects them.
