Hi all,
I’m testing a Voluson ultrasound machine connected to Orthanc on Docker running locally. I have a scan on the US machine that contains 883 frames. When I play the CINE and save the instance in Orthanc only contains 200 frames. I’ve tested several difference sizes from 1-800s and it seems that the cap is always 200. Is this a property of Orthanc, DICOM, or the US machine? I can provide the dicom file I sent in this example if it helps.
I’ve been unable to find anything helpful searching the web for this issue. Thanks in advance!
There is no such hard-wired limit of 200 frames, neither in DICOM nor in Orthanc, so this is more than likely related to your US machine.
Have a look at the result of the “dcm2xml” command-line tool from DCMTK on your DICOM file, and check the value of the “Number of Frames” (0028,0008) DICOM tag: This will give you the number of frames, as encoded in the DICOM file produced by your modality.
Thanks! You are right. I used a slightly different method to verify though. I used Wireshark to capture the DICOM xfer to Orthanc on the local network and found the number of frames was set to 200 before it was put on the network. I’m digging through the settings in the US machine now.
Thanks for the help!