Moving storage location from LaCie to NAS

Hi Orthanc Team,

I’m a 2-month-old Orthanc user on Mac by routing all files from Osirix to Orthanc. I must say it has helped me and the whole hospital tremendously. But the problem comes when I am storing both Osirix and Orthanc files on a single external LaCie 6TB hard drive.

I have a Synology NAS 10TB that has been factory reset. I am planning to move all Orthanc files from LaCie to Synology NAS so that I can reserve LaCie for Osirix only. I tried to copy all Orthanc files from LaCie to NAS and changed storage location to NAS (which took about 1 day).

Orthanc doesn’t seem to start on NAS pathname “StorageDirectory” : “/Volumes/ORTHANC/OrthancStorage” which is mounted
But works on “StorageDirectory” : “smb://NAS_ORTHANC”
However, the smb folder is located in Orthanc folder on Macintosh internal storage.
I did not change the Index Directory and remained it in LaCie. The mcdcm and Orthanc works well and able to index all files, but the images and reports failed to load on mcdcm.

My questions are:

  1. Can I delete all files on LaCie Orthanc storage after moving from LaCie to NAS?
  2. I’ve read that keeping the data on NAS and indexes on disk works better than keeping both data and indexes on NAS. Which is the index file(s) I must keep and which one is data that is safe to delete? Are they called “index” and “index.wal”?
  3. Is my storage directory correct since the smb folder appears to be internal storage?
  4. How can I transfer data (DICOM files) from LaCie to NAS in order to make mcdcm load reports and images?

Attached is my configOSX.json file, the location of smb file and my NAS storage location.

I hope I can get some useful answers from the experts.
Thank you so much.


Screenshot 2021-12-10 200142.jpg

configOSX.json (12.3 KB)

Screenshot 2021-12-10 195511.jpg


It’s very difficult to answer your questions which are really specific to your setup. I would strongly advise you to get help from experts that could connect to your computer to analyze the issues.

Note that, according to your configuration file, the Index DB is managed by PostgresQL so the index and index.wal files should not be used anymore.

Also note that, on most recent Synology NAS, Orthanc can run as a Docker container but that’s another story.

Best regards,
