Most efficient way to identify and reject duplicate studies in Orthanc PACS

Hi everyone,

I am looking for an efficient solution to identify and reject studies that already exist in the Orthanc PACS. The goal is to prevent duplicate studies from being stored in the system.

Currently, I’m considering using study metadata (such as StudyInstanceUID) to perform this check. However, I’d like to know if anyone has implemented a more optimized workflow for this, perhaps using plugins, scripts, or integrations with external tools.

My questions are:

  1. What is the most efficient approach to check for duplicates in Orthanc?

  2. Is there any native configuration or plugin that simplifies this task?

  3. If custom development is necessary, what would be the best strategy? (e.g., using the REST API to verify duplicates before storage).

Any suggestions or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Hello ,

In my understanding, this is already built into Orthanc.

By default, duplicate instances with the same Orthanc ID will not be stored by Orthanc, unless you set OverwriteInstances to true.

Please note that this “no duplicate” rule is with respect to the Orthanc ID which, for an instance, depends upon PatientID, StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID and SOPInstanceUID (reference).

So, if you write several instances with the same SOPInstanceUID but where the other IDs are different, this can lead to duplicates.

The default makes sense because the DICOM model is supposed to be immutable : in order to change data, you need to generate new objects with new IDs, although in some cases (like development), it can be useful to replace instances.

If you are in this particular situation, you might find some inspiration in the replies to this question : Checking for Duplicated instances with same instance number - General - Orthanc Users


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It worked, thank you very much