while writing python plugins I get the following error log:
“module named orthanc not found”
when i use the line “import orthanc” in the plugin code.
May I please know how to overcome this ?
Full code may be found below
import json
import inspect
import orthanc
import pynetdicom
def HandleStore(event):
orthanc.LogWarning(‘Handling C-STORE using pynetdicom’)
orthanc.RestApiPost(‘/instances’, event.request.DataSet.getvalue())
return 0x0000
ae = pynetdicom.AE()
ae.supported_contexts = pynetdicom.AllStoragePresentationContexts
SCP = None
def OnChange(changeType, level, resource):
global SCP
if changeType == orthanc.ChangeType.ORTHANC_STARTED:
port = json.loads(orthanc.GetConfiguration()).get('DicomPort', 4243)
SCP = ae.start_server(('', port), block = False, evt_handlers = [
(pynetdicom.evt.EVT_C_STORE, HandleStore),
orthanc.LogWarning('DICOM server using pynetdicom has started')
elif changeType == orthanc.ChangeType.ORTHANC_STOPPED:
orthanc.LogWarning('Stopping pynetdicom')