Dear all,
I am new to Orthanc, used to working with dcm4chee.
We have a scenario, where we want to use Orthanc as a DICOM router. We have made a lua script, that forwards studies based on the AETitle that they are received on.
But because of some legacy integrations with old systems, there are some cases, where we need Orthanc to present itself with another AETitle when forwarding a study.
We have a VPN to a clinic, where we can send studies. We have to send them as PACS_1
We have another clinic, where we can only send as PACS_002 or they will reject what we are sending.
We already have a script, that will check what AEtitle was used, when Orthanc receives a study and we use that to determine where to forward the study.
Is it possible to configure Orthanc, so it will use different calling AETitles when it forwards the studies?
Or do we need to install separate instances of Orthanc for this?
Or can it be done with Python?