Hi Martin,
The ModalitiesInStudy tag is actually a special one (I call it a ‘computed tag’ because it is not stored as such in DB).
So, when handling a Find query, we first perform a SQL only search in the DB (with the LIMIT set, in your case to 200) and then, the results are filtered based on computed tags criteria and, indeed, you’ll likely get under the LIMIT.
This issue is already identified in our TODO but, right now, I can not tell you when this would be implemented.
- For C-Find results: we could store the computed tags
in metadata on some events like NewSeries + DeletedSeries (same for other computer tags).
OtherTags that could be saved in Metadata as well:
- ModalitiesInStudy
- all computed counters at series/study/patient level
- RequestAttributesSequence (sequence that must be included in all DicomWeb QIDO-RS for series)
Best regards,