Modalidad de Worklist no funciona

Buen dia, tengo configurado orthanc(1.5.7) con docker en Debian 9, tengo configurado los plugins y base de datos en postgresql, tengo configurado el worklist con ruta absoluta, estoy haciendo pruebas desde un equipo windows con un programa de test scu, desde el programa de test, me realiza un echo con exito, pero cuando le hago consulta a la worklist, desde la consola de debian, me muestra que la ruta donde tengo los worklist no es un directorio. Pego la informacion de como ejecuto y el archivo de configuracion de orthanc.

Configuracion de Orthan json:

“Worklists” : {
“Enable”: true,
“Database”: “/home/chivodev/orthanc/WorklistsDatabase/wl”,
“FilterIssuerAet”: false

“DicomModalities” : {
“findscu”: [ “FINDSCU”, “”, 1234],
“DicomModalitiesInDatabase” : false,
“DicomAlwaysAllowEcho” : false,
“DicomAlwaysAllowStore” : true,
“DicomCheckModalityHost” : true,

Lo demas esta por defecto.

Inicio orthanc con docker

sudo docker run -p 4040:4040 -p 8042:8042 --rm -v ~/orthanc/orthanc.json:/etc/orthanc/orthanc.json:ro jodogne/orthanc-plugins:1.5.7

Log Orthanc desde la consola
W0709 16:14:27.261128 main.cpp:1442] Orthanc version: 1.5.7
W0709 16:14:27.505656 OrthancConfiguration.cpp:113] Scanning folder “/etc/orthanc/” for configuration files
W0709 16:14:27.506521 OrthancConfiguration.cpp:61] Reading the configuration from: “/etc/orthanc/orthanc.json”
W0709 16:14:28.337555 main.cpp:702] Loading plugin(s) from: /usr/share/orthanc/plugins
E0709 16:14:28.337676 PluginsManager.cpp:242] Inexistent path to plugins: /usr/share/orthanc/plugins
W0709 16:14:28.337693 main.cpp:702] Loading plugin(s) from: /usr/local/share/orthanc/plugins
W0709 16:14:28.384798 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘worklists’ (version 1.5.7)
W0709 16:14:28.384888 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Sample worklist plugin is initializing
W0709 16:14:28.385638 PluginsManager.cpp:168] The database of worklists will be read from folder: /WorklistsDatabase/wl
W0709 16:14:28.408870 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘serve-folders’ (version 1.5.7)
W0709 16:14:28.409643 PluginsManager.cpp:168] ServeFolders: Empty configuration file: No additional folder will be served!
W0709 16:14:28.597514 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘web-viewer’ (version 2.5)
W0709 16:14:28.597627 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Initializing the Web viewer
W0709 16:14:28.608671 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Web viewer using 2 threads for the decoding of the DICOM images
W0709 16:14:28.608755 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Storing the cache of the Web viewer in folder: /home/chivodev/orthanc/orthanc-db/WebViewerCache
W0709 16:14:29.163646 PluginsManager.cpp:168] The version of Orthanc has changed from “unknown” to “1.5.7”: The cache of the Web viewer will be cleared
W0709 16:14:29.163737 PluginsManager.cpp:168] The version of the Web viewer plugin has changed from “unknown” to “2.5”: The cache of the Web viewer will be cleared
W0709 16:14:29.163764 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Clearing the cache of the Web viewer
W0709 16:14:29.164340 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Web viewer using a cache of 100 MB
W0709 16:14:29.164393 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Using GDCM instead of the DICOM decoder that is built in Orthanc
W0709 16:14:29.296227 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘mysql-storage’ (version 2.0)
W0709 16:14:29.379142 PluginsManager.cpp:168] No available configuration for the MySQL storage area plugin
W0709 16:14:29.471891 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘postgresql-index’ (version 3.2)
W0709 16:14:29.602980 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘google-cloud-platform’ (version 1.0)
W0709 16:14:29.661617 PluginsManager.cpp:168] No Google Cloud Platform account is configured
W0709 16:14:29.704863 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘transfers’ (version 1.0)
W0709 16:14:29.814539 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘mysql-index’ (version 2.0)
W0709 16:14:29.895155 PluginsManager.cpp:168] No available configuration for the MySQL index plugin
W0709 16:14:29.985328 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘wsi’ (version 0.6)
W0709 16:14:29.986034 PluginsManager.cpp:168] The whole-slide imaging plugin will use at most 4 threads to transcode the tiles
W0709 16:14:30.032201 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘authorization’ (version 0.2.3)
W0709 16:14:30.032340 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Initializing the authorization plugin
W0709 16:14:30.033069 PluginsManager.cpp:168] No section “Authorization” in the configuration file, the authorization plugin is disabled
W0709 16:14:30.148853 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘postgresql-storage’ (version 3.2)
W0709 16:14:30.454636 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘dicom-web’ (version 1.0)
W0709 16:14:30.455703 PluginsManager.cpp:168] URI to the DICOMweb REST API: /dicom-web/
W0709 16:14:30.482004 PluginsManager.cpp:168] URI to the WADO-URI API: /wado
W0709 16:14:30.482191 main.cpp:1230] Using a custom database from plugins
W0709 16:14:30.482244 main.cpp:1241] Using a custom storage area from plugins
W0709 16:14:30.666090 HttpClient.cpp:1040] HTTPS will use the CA certificates from this file: /etc/orthanc/
W0709 16:14:30.717141 LuaContext.cpp:104] Lua says: Lua toolbox installed
W0709 16:14:30.717516 LuaContext.cpp:104] Lua says: Lua toolbox installed
W0709 16:14:30.717656 ServerContext.cpp:316] Disk compression is disabled
W0709 16:14:30.717693 ServerIndex.cpp:1613] No limit on the number of stored patients
W0709 16:14:30.720343 ServerIndex.cpp:1630] No limit on the size of the storage area
W0709 16:14:30.736309 ServerContext.cpp:168] Reloading the jobs from the last execution of Orthanc
W0709 16:14:30.736746 JobsEngine.cpp:283] The jobs engine has started with 2 threads
W0709 16:14:30.758478 main.cpp:934] DICOM server listening with AET DEBIAN on port: 4040
W0709 16:14:30.758574 HttpServer.cpp:1271] HTTP compression is enabled
W0709 16:14:30.816876 HttpServer.cpp:1178] HTTP server listening on port: 8042 (HTTPS encryption is disabled, remote access is allowed)
W0709 16:14:30.816947 main.cpp:714] Orthanc has started

Esto es lo que muestra cuando consulto la worklist desde el programa de test en windows

E0709 16:47:51.227004 PluginsManager.cpp:164] Inexistent folder while scanning for worklists: /WorklistsDatabase/wl
E0709 16:47:51.433351 FindScp.cpp:297] C-FIND request handler has failed: The specified path does not point to a directory
E0709 16:47:54.048050 PluginsManager.cpp:164] Inexistent folder while scanning for worklists: /WorklistsDatabase/wl
E0709 16:47:54.048208 FindScp.cpp:297] C-FIND request handler has failed: The specified path does not point to a directory

El firewall de windows esta abajo.

Orthanc me recibe las imagenes de los pacientes que se atienden, desde el visor RadiAnt, puedo ver las imagenes de los pacientes atendidos configurando el aet de orthanc.
Pero no he podido solucionar lo de la worklist.

Las capretas tienen permisos 777, las listas de trabajo las genero con dump2dcm.

He probado cambiado la forma de las rutas, copiando los archivos .wl de ejemplo de orthanc. cambiando algunos parametros de la configuracion del .json, pero no he dado con la solucion, si alguno sabe cual puede ser la solucion, se lo agradeceria.


I don’t speak Spanish, so I’ll only provide you an insight.

Firstly, please make sure to carefully read the section about worklists in the Orthanc Book:

Secondly, it seems that you are launching Orthanc in a Docker container. As a consequence, Orthanc does not have access to the folder “/WorklistsDatabase/wl” from your host computer that contains your worklists, hence the errors “The specified path does not point to a directory”. You should share this folder using the “-v” option from Docker.


Thank you very much, indeed, it was necessary to mount the worklist folder to the docker container