Migrate Storage to PostgreSQL

Prezados colegas,

Espero que estejam todos bem.
Recentemente, comecei a usar o Orthanc de forma acelerada e, por isso, não pude implementar o banco de dados desde o início. Gostaria de entender se há possibilidade de migrar os dados já existentes no Storage para um banco de dados e, em caso afirmativo, qual seria o procedimento recomendado.
Utilizo SO Windows Server 2022 e PstgreSQL 16.

Agradeço antecipadamente pela atenção


Dear colleagues,

I hope you are all well.
Recently, I have started to use Orthanc extensively, and therefore, I was not able to implement the database from the beginning. I would like to understand if there is a possibility to migrate the existing data in Storage to a database and, if so, what would be the recommended procedure.
I use Windows Server 2022 and PostgreSQL 16.

Thank you in advance for your attention.


Chers collègues,

J’espère que vous allez tous bien.
Récemment, j’ai commencé à utiliser Orthanc de manière intensive, et donc, je n’ai pas pu mettre en place la base de données dès le début. Je voudrais savoir s’il est possible de migrer les données existantes dans le stockage vers une base de données et, si oui, quelle serait la procédure recommandée.
J’utilise Windows Server 2022 et PostgreSQL 16.

Je vous remercie par avance pour votre attention.


Please follow the instructions for replicating two Orthanc servers in the Orthanc Book. In your case, you are most probably in the scenario " Direct access to the filesystem".
