I have Windows 10 and I have a default installed version of Orthanc 21.9.2 from OSIMIS.
I want to migrate the database from SQLite to mySQL from an older version 20.4.1.
I ran the command: Orthanc.exe c:/Orthanc/ --upgrade and it says that is nothing to update.
So I create a script in PHP that migrate all data from sqlite to mysql and it was all moved.
I was in mysql.json and the config is:
“MySQL” : {
“EnableIndex” : true,
//It’s false because the files are stored in DISK (network drive)
“EnableStorage” : false,
But i’m a little bit newbie and I don’t Understand how the flow is working.
So, as I understand I should do something like this:
Stop services (I don’t need to update database);
change mysql.json to “EnableIndex” : true, (AND) “EnableStorage” : false, (because I don’t want store DICOM on Database) and of course login to mysql database;
create manually database called “orthanc” on mysql;
Start service (The tables, procedures, indexes, etc. will be created automatically)
Stop service again;
I downloaded file ImportDicomFiles.py to C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server and execute python like this:
SUCCESS: 0 DICOM file(s) have been successfully imported
I tried with localhost:
PS C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server> python.exe ImportDicomFiles.py 8042 OrthancStorage
SUCCESS: 0 DICOM file(s) have been successfully imported
I tried with service turned on and the same info.
My localnetwork is: (not 192.168.0/24). It does metter for API REST?
My Storage files is in the network on: \\Public\TAC as well as index
What i’m doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
A terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2022 à(s) 07:43:38 UTC, s.jo...@gmail.com escreveu:
During your upgrade from SQLite to MySQL, you will actually need 2 times the storage because the DICOM files from your initial SQLite Orthanc will have to be imported to the new storage of your MySQL Orthanc.
So, you should probably:
rename \\Public\TAC into \\Public\oldTAC
Create a new \\Public\TAC folder
start the new MySQL Orthanc that will be empty and pointing to \\Public\TAC
launch the import script pointing to your old DICOM files: python.exe ImportDicomFiles.py 8042 \\Public\oldTAC
Note that I don’t know how the import script will behave wrt to your network storage \\Public\oldTAC, you might need to map it to a windows drive (e.g D:) to make it work
I deleted mysql database “orthanc” and create new one, and start service.
I stop service
I’ve mapped with command: net use Z: \\Public /User:support (NOTE: I have the same user/password in Windows, NAS QNAP and in Orthanc Service).
Both gaves me the same error:
PS C:\Users\support> python.exe ImportDicomFiles.py 8042 Z:\oldTAC
[WinError 10060] Uma tentativa de ligação falhou porque o componente ligado não respondeu
corretamente após um período de tempo, ou a ligação estabelecida falhou
porque o anfitrião ligado não respondeuImporting Z:\oldTAC\index => unable to connect (Is Orthanc running? Is there a password?)
[WinError 10060] Uma tentativa de ligação falhou porque o componente ligado não respondeu
corretamente após um período de tempo, ou a ligação estabelecida falhou
porque o anfitrião ligado não respondeuImporting Z:\oldTAC\index.7z => unable to connect (Is Orthanc running? Is there a password?)
[WinError 10060] Uma tentativa de ligação falhou porque o componente ligado não respondeu
corretamente após um período de tempo, ou a ligação estabelecida falhou
porque o anfitrião ligado não respondeuImporting Z:\oldTAC\00\00\00001ad2-7c7d-4478-a4c6-18c0d5aa52a8 => unable to connect (Is Orthanc running? Is there a password?)
Importing Z:\oldTAC\00\00\00002291-48ab-406f-b165-6d990cf8d856 => ignored JSON file
Importing Z:\oldTAC\00\00\00002a34-e6de-4da0-92c9-761b941523ff => ignored JSON file
Importing Z:\oldTAC\00\00\00003f6c-d7ee-4238-9dc8-ce3bae845c7c => ignored JSON file
[WinError 10060] Uma tentativa de ligação falhou porque o componente ligado não respondeu
corretamente após um período de tempo, ou a ligação estabelecida falhou
porque o anfitrião ligado não respondeuImporting Z:\oldTAC\00\00\00005b03-bf5e-41b8-8d40-8c39b9a93830 => unable to connect (Is Orthanc running? Is there a password?)
I’ve tried with service running and stopped and get the same errors.
Can you help me please?
Thanks in advance.
Ricardo Silva
A quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2022 à(s) 08:20:53 UTC, alain.maz...@gmail.com escreveu: