Manage error level logs

Hello everyone,
I ask you for help regarding the management of orthanc logs.

We are having problems with continuous crashes of the orthanc service, although this does not show any errors in the log file. However, I have noticed that a warning log is generated practically every second, and therefore I would like to exclude that this could cause the service to stop working.

I read from the documentation that the logs can be managed as “default”, “verbose” and “trace”, but the default also manages warnings logs, so I was wondering if there was the possibility of setting the orthanc logs to report ONLY ERR type of errors.

Thank you in advance,
Best regards

Hi Fabrizio,

No, you can not set the log level to ERROR only.
However, W001 can be disabled through this configuration:

// Enables/disables warnings in the logs.
// "true" enables a warning.  All warnings are enabled by default
// see
// (new in Orthanc 1.11.0)
"Warnings" : {
  // A "RequestedTags" has been read from storage which is slower than
  // reading it from DB.
  // You might want to store this tag in ExtraMainDicomTags to build
  // the response faster.

  "W001_TagsBeingReadFromStorage": true,

Hope it helps,


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Hi Fabrizio,

Apologies if you are already aware of this, but you should pay attention to this warning, because it means that you could have significant performance problems if Orthanc has to read the DICOM files regularly, due to some usage pattern. Especially if the warning is continuously displayed!

You might want to read this: Main DICOM Tags in DB — Orthanc Book documentation