Losing image quality on "Extrapolate" mode

On the full mode i have a good quality of images, but metadata loads too slow.

So I have specified the following options:
“StudiesMetadata”: “Extrapolate”,
“StudiesMetadataExtrapolatedTags”: [“AcquisitionDate”],
“SeriesMetadata”: “Extrapolate”,
“SeriesMetadataExtrapolatedTags”: [

And it loads fast, but image quality is not the same as on full mode.

I use Ohif viewer



Quality seems ok, sounds that you just lost the windowing preset…


From your screenshots, it seems that the windowing parameters are not set correctly (WindowCenter, WindowWidth). If each image has a different WindowCenter and WindowWidth, Interpolation won’t work anyway.

You may also use the ExtraMainDicomTags as an alternative to “Extrapolate”.

Hope this helps,


Thanks for reply. You are right, it’s because of window preset. But i can’t understand why on “Extrapolate” it’s different presets. Do you have any ideas?

вторник, 7 марта 2023 г. в 15:28:06 UTC+6, Alain Mazy:

These values can vary from one instance to the other. If they are listed in “Extrapolate”, Orthanc assumes that they have the same value for all the instances of a series.