"Laterality" for Study, Tag: 0020,0060

Is there an easy way to get the Laterality value for a study ?

Something like this seems like it would work, but it presumes that all of the instances for the study have the same laterality, and it requires a couple of separate calls:

curl -k http://localhost:8042/tools/find -d ‘{“Level” : “Instance”, “Limit”:1, “Query” : {“StudyInstanceUID” : “StudyInstanceUID”} }’

returns an ID for an instance in the Study, followed by:

curl -k http://localhost:8042/instances/ID/content/0020,0060

Just wondering if there is another way to do that and how reliable that is, and if there is a single call method.

For an MRI it does return R, L or nothing appropriately, but if for some reason there are multiple parts under the same StudyInstanceUID it could not be accurate.



Hi Stephen,

Laterality seems to be a tag that applies to a Series, not a Study.

In a CR study, you may clearly have a Series with the left leg and another with the right leg.

Note however that there’s a route that will return all tags that are identical in all instances of a given study:
http://localhost:8042/studies/{id}/shared-tags?simplify If there are 2 different values for laterality, the tag will not be included in the result.



Alain. Thank you. I think Laterality actually lives at the instance level. If not, then the series.

Good to know that, https://api.orthanc-server.com/index.html#tag/Studies/paths/~1studies~1{id}~1shared-tags/get

That might help, but that’ll break if a series having instances with a minimal set of Tags (i.e. a dicomized PDF, etc.) is added to a study after it is completed. It is a limited application regarding automated generation of report templates because the reader wants the system to automatically set the side based on that tag. Seems like there is a happy medium between completely automating some things and requiring some level of user interaction that requires some intention and thought.
