Hi all,
I am still working on a plugin to get data from remote peer.
I manage to get peer url from an index of the peer list with OrthancPluginGetPeerUrl method.
But when I want to get username and password from peer configuration, the code failed.
For that purpose I use the OrthancPluginLogInfo method from OrthancCPlugin.h class.
My code looks like that :
uint32_t peerIndex = 0;
string url_peer = OrthancPluginGetPeerUrl(context, peers, peerIndex);
if (url_peer.empty())
throw MessageException((“Url peer not found for alias:” + alias).c_str());
OrthancPluginLogInfo(context, ("PeerInfoFromAlias url_peer: " + url_peer).c_str());
const char* userProperty = “Username”;
const char* username = OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty(context, peers, peerIndex, userProperty);
if (username == NULL)
throw MessageException((“Peer username cannot be read for alias:” + alias).c_str());
OrthancPluginLogInfo(context, ("PeerInfoFromAlias OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty: " + string(username)).c_str());
Do you know my mistake?
Is there another way to get peer username and password?
Thanks a lot
Hi Audrey,
Well, this OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty method is actually able to return only “user” properties and not the standard ones.
@brief Get some user-defined property of an Orthanc peer.
Sorry for the OrthancPluginGetPeerUserProperty, it was well documented.
Thanks for the OrthancPluginCallPeerApi , this is exactly what i was looking for!
Hi Alain,
I try to add peer using OrthancPluginCallPeerApi .
For that purpose I pass the following parameters :
context : the orthanc plugin context
answerBody : NULL
answerHeaders : NULL
peers : the peer list from OrthancPluginGetPeers
peerIndex : the peer list size
method :
uri : the peer to add AET
body : a serialized json with url, username, password
the bodySize
a timeout value
The problem is that the peerIndex does not exist.
So I’ve tried to add a peer in the peer list (using Orthanc*::WebServiceParameters)*,
but I didn’t manage to do that.
How to proceed to dynamically add a peer in an Orthanc Plugin?
Do you have some code example doing that use this sdk?
Hi Audrey,
Indeed, you can not use CallPeerApi on a peer that does not exist yet. You should use OrthancPluginRestApiPut to call PUT on /peers/alias (https://api.orthanc-server.com/#tag/Networking/paths/~1peers~1{id}/put)
Thank you so muck for your quick reply.
So I did a call to OrthancPluginRestApiPut with uri : /peers/myPeerAlias, but I have this error : “ErrorCode_UnknownResource”.
I found that this error come from Orthanc::ReadJsonInternal method : “Cannot parse JSON: Line 1, Column 2\n Missing ‘}’ or object member name\n”.
What is the json format of the body passed in OrthancPluginRestApiPut method?
Is my code faulty?
What kind of data do I need to pass in the body parameter?
replace sizeof(bodyC) by peerToAddDataStr.size()
Thank you so much and sorry to bother you with that.
It works well now.
Hi Alain,
Sorry to bother you.
I am still trying to get data from remote peer using a plugin.
My code add a peer in my Orthanc configuration and call the OrthancPluginCallPeerApi function to get Orthanc id from dicom id.
Now I have an OrthancException “BadSequenceOfCalls” just after the call of OrthancPluginCallPeerApi.
It’s raised on OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp, method **“**GetGlobalContext”.
Do you have an idea why the globalContext_ became NULL ?