Issue with Indexer plugin


I have a problem with indexing DICOM files using Indexer plugin - Orthanc doesn’t recognize these files as DICOM even that I can easily upload it through Orthanc Explorer.
The name of files is just ID of the study, for instance: 2.16.840.1.113929.1.1.6493.20170706.112035.705375_0002_xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.v2 (directory structure and filename is from Conquest DICOM Server).
I enabled --verbose-plugins and this log foreach file:
I0420 13:33:53.436358 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Skipping indexing of non-DICOM file: /path/to-file/2.16.840.1.113929.1.1.6493.20170706.112035.705375_0002_xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.v2

Is it something I can do in this case?

Also I have to questions

  1. what is recommentation for Interval value in plugin configuration if I have ~2 TB of DICOM files to upload?
  2. does the plugin scans given path recursively?
  3. does the plugin remove content of scanner directory after successfully synchronization like in uploading via WebDAV “upload” directory?

I use Orthanc installed on Ubuntu using standalone Debian repository (Orthanc v1.10.1, Indexer v1.0)

Thanks for your work and help!

Little update. I made an experiment. I uploaded the file via Orthanc Explorer, then download zip of those studies (renamed according Orthanc attachment syntax) and removed it from Orthanc. Then I tried sync using Indexer plugin and receive same log:
I0421 09:32:29.833681 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Skipping indexing of non-DICOM file: /path/to/DICOM/a312d258-c2f0fd90-86f0b9f1-9ab281c6-c1507e8b/patient-name/Unknown Study/study-description/DX000000.dcm

So the problem is not related to DICOM file name.