Though in theory “stone of orthanc” cand deal with embebbed PDF, I was not able to show it . It appears with the typical icon of “not valid object”
I have not been able to identify any issue on the logs… How should I be able to identify what is the problem with this object ?
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Your screenshot is only an icon saying that no thumbnail can be generated. This should not prevent Stone Web viewer from displaying the PDF file if you click on the icon. If clicking or dragging the icon doesn’t work, please provide us with a sample DICOM file.
On top of the icon, the content is not displayed.
As I’m new I can’t upload files, but you can find a example in the following link
The content is an embedded PDF that can be opened in other PACS (dcm4chee, syngo, weasis, etc…)
I have not been able to identify any issue in the logs
Hello, I confirm that the Stone Web viewer does support your PDF_DICOM.dcm
Hi, thanks for dedicating time to this
But in my case, soo is failing with the thumbnail and also with the representation
AFAIK I’m using the last version… . What I’m doing wrong ? Where should I start looking into ?
As shown in your screenshot, you are using the mainline
version, which is not tested/validated. Have you tried the latest official release 2.5 of the Stone Web viewer? This is the version I used to take my screenshot.
After a lot of debuggin, it seems the problem was related to the setting "StorageAccessOnFind = Never " that we’ve changed in order to have the PDF working.
I found some similar issue in this thread, but to be honest, I was not able to understand the underlaying issue
Dear all,
It was solved by setting again “StorageAccessOnFind” to “Never” (performance was starting to be a problem), but by seting “ExtraMainDicomTags” del .yml to the following tags:
“ExtraMainDicomTags” : {
“Instance” : [