Importing WSI Images (docker orthancteam install)

I’ve created a server using the orthancteam/orthanc docker image - set up AWS and a couple of other plugins as described here:
However when I enable the WSI plugin I can see that it’s there but it doesn’t seem to be performing Dicom-izing as described here: Whole-slide microscopic imaging — Orthanc Book documentation

Whenever I try to import a WSI of any format, it just says that it’s not a DICOM file - I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong?


You are not doing anything wrong. The Orthanc Rest API only accepts DICOM files. The Dicomizer tools are command line tools.

The CLI tools are included in the image and located in /usr/local/bin/.

Hope this helps,


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Thank you Alain, that does help, and I’ve been experimenting with running the dicomizer on the command line instead. I’ve noticed that it’ll work while exporting to a folder, but if I try to send it to my running server I get an unauthorized error.
Is that because I need to put the server username/password somewhere in the call?

Nevermind - I’ve just seen the username and password fields described online - and now I see them in --help too…