Import files from old Orthanc version

I had installed Orthanc-0.9.4 on November 2015 and I updated yesterday to the latest version (by downloading OrthancInstaller-Win64-18.5.2.exe) for Windows 64. The new version is running but how to I import the files from the previous version?
Best Regards

Alkmaion Healthcare SA


This is explained in the Orthanc Book:


Hello Sebastien,
thank you for you reply.

Regarding option 1 from the documentation:
I already tried to upgrade the database but I get a message from command prompt that the database is up to date (see image attached).

Regarding option 2 from the documentation:

I do not have python installed on my Windows Server 2008 R2

Regarding option 3 from the documentation:

I cannot have both versions of orthanc running since it operates on the same server

Best Regards


Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 10.28.02.png

When running “–upgrade”, you must provide the link to the folder containing the configuration files that are used by Orthanc. For instance:

“C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Orthanc.exe” --upgrade "C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration"

Hello Sebastien,

Again, thank you for your insight.

Let me provide a few more details. Orthanc-0.9.4 was running on a 1 TB volume; the configuration file was on directory F:\PACS and the storage folder was on directory F:\PACS\OrthancStorage.

The new version (OrthancInstaller-Win64-18.5.2.exe) runs on different 6TB volume. The configuration file is located in C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration and the storage folder in G:\PACS.

So when it comes to run upgrade which configuration file should I pass as a parameter the first or the second? As far as I know inside the json file the tag “StorageDirectory” points to the path where images should be stored. Is there a tag indicating the old path?

Or, do you mean that I copy the contents of the old configuration to the storage folder of the new configuration and then run upgrade with the newest configuration file as a parameter?

Thank you in advance



Personally, I would:

  1. Stop both the Orthanc 0.9.4 and 18.5.2 services.
  2. Copy all the content of “F:\PACS\OrthancStorage” to “G:\PACS”.
  3. Make sure that the options “IndexDirectory” and “StorageDirectory” in “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration” both refer to “G:\PACS”.
  4. Upgrade the database: “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Orthanc.exe” “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration” --upgrade
  5. Uninstall Orthanc 0.9.4.
  6. Restart the 18.5.2 service.

Hello Sebastien, all,
just a note to close the thread. The algorithm described solved the problem. It takes some time though. I took me almost a day and a half to copy the files and another two days for the database to update. Now it works OK. All the previous studies are loaded in the new instance of Orthanc.
Keep up the good work
