I tried the following request but doesn’t return anything, If i try something like patientID (0010,0020), studyID (0020,0010) or Physician name (0010,0010) it returns the studies
curl --request POST --url http://localhost:8042/tools/find --data ‘{“Level”:“Instance”,“Query”:{“0008,0100”:“CT192”}}’
Attached is a sample dicom file. (514 KB)
Check the tag in Orthanc, it is easy to see that it is not a direct tag, but a sub tag of another. You will need to figure out how to check for that sub tag. I have done it in Lua bot don’t know how in REST off the top of my head.
0008,1032 (ProcedureCodeSequence): []
- »Item 0
0008,0100 (CodeValue): CT192
0008,0102 (CodingSchemeDesignator): GEIIS
0008,0103 (CodingSchemeVersion): 0
0008,0104 (CodeMeaning): BWH CT ABDOMEN PELVIS W CONTRAST CT192