I cannot change from sqlite to mysql

I cannot change from sqlite to mysql. I changed the content of mysql.json under C: \ Program Files \ Orthanc Server \ Configuration to “Enabling Index”: true and parameters of the MySLQ database. But when I run Orthanc.exe, it displays “Main OrthancInitialization. cpp: 426] SQLite index directory:” C: \ Program Files \ Orthanc Server \ OrthancStorage “.”

When I start Orthanc like this, the database tables will be created. After I uploaded the images, there was no relevant index stored in the database

If you want the images to store in the DB you need to set enablestoarge to true as well :slight_smile:

I learned that “ Note that a typical usage of the MySQL plugin is to enable only the Index , using the default filesystem storage for DICOM files.” from Orthanc Book,so I set enablestoarge to false。

It should be “Registering plugin ‘mysql-index’ (version mainline)”,not SQLlite index。Right?


In your first screenshot, you haven’t provided Orthanc with the path to your configuration file. I can tell from your logs, because the logs indicate that Orthanc loads no plugin. Check out the Orthanc Book: Collecting logs — Orthanc Book documentation


【“C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Orthanc.exe” --verbose “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration” > “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Temp\Orthanc.log” 2>&1】,

When I modify the configuration file like this and set the Verbose Registry Key to 1, then I start Orthanc.exe, is the index stored on MySQL?

Check out your logs.

I think it worked