How to perform c-move at Series Level

Hi Author,
I refer to this page
This is the command I issue to orthanc

curl -i -u orthanc:orthanc -X POST http://localhost:8044/modalities/orthancgw/move --data ‘{
“Level” : “Series”,
“Resources” : [
“StudyInstanceUID”: “1.2.840.113543.”
“SeriesInstanceUID”: “1.2.840.113543.”
“TargetAet”: “ORTHANCB”,
“Timeout”: 60

But orthanc rreturns

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=1
Content-Length: 196

“HttpError” : “Bad Request”,
“HttpStatus” : 400,
“Message” : “Bad request”,
“Method” : “POST”,
“OrthancError” : “Bad request”,
“OrthancStatus” : 8,
“Uri” : “/modalities/orthancgw/move”

The verbose log does not show anything other than
I1221 01:29:24.831417 HttpServer.cpp:1239] (http) POST /modalities/orthancgw/move

I am not sure I understand this code which handle c-move request from api

void DicomControlUserConnection::Move(const std::string& targetAet,
ResourceType level,
const DicomMap& findResult)

case ResourceType_Series:
TestAndCopyTag(move, findResult, DICOM_TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID);
TestAndCopyTag(move, findResult, DICOM_TAG_SERIES_INSTANCE_UID);

In OrthancRestModalities.cpp

for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < request[KEY_RESOURCES].size(); i++)
DicomMap resource;
FromDcmtkBridge::FromJson(resource, request[KEY_RESOURCES][i]);

connection.Move(targetAet, level, resource);
If it’s in for loop then how ResourceType_Series can be check at study tag. ?
Can you please help to show me the right body in the api ?

Looks like I have to post with this body

curl -i -u orthanc:orthanc -X POST http://localhost:8044/modalities/orthancgw/move --data '{
“Level” : “Series”,
“Resources” : [
“StudyInstanceUID”: “1.2.840.113543.”, “SeriesInstanceUID”: “1.2.840.113543.”

“TargetAet”: “ORTHANCB”,
“Timeout”: 60