How to perform a C-Find SCU

Hi Sebastien,

thank you for kindly sharing your work as an open source project. It looks very useful.

I have compiled the latest version of Orthanc from the repository and have a question regarding the communication with a remote DICOM server. I have successfully uploaded an image through C-Store SCU with:

curl -X POST http://:8042$ip/modalities/$modality_name/store -d $some_id

However, I am not able to run a find command (or find-patient, find-series… for that matter). I’ve tried the following:

curl -X POST http://:8042$ip/modalities/$modality_name/find-patient

A get does not work either.

The request does not reach my remote DICOM server - it is not displayed in the logs of the remote server. Is there a place where I can find Orthanc’s logs?
What are the implications of the feature being marked as experimental in the documentation?



I think I figured it out:

curl -X POST $ip:8042/modalities/$modality/find -d
"{\"PatientName\":\"some name\"}"

the find command requires DICOM tags formatted using JSON.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your feedback!

I think I figured it out:
curl -X POST $ip:8042/modalities/$modality/find -d
“{"PatientName":"some name"}”
the find command requires DICOM tags formatted using JSON.

I have just upgraded the Orthanc FAQ with your question:

Is there a place where I can find Orthanc’s logs?

There are some useful command-line options that are described in the man page of Orthanc:

By default, Orthanc sends its log to stderr. You can run Orthanc with the “–verbose” or “–trace” to get more detailed information.

What are the implications of the feature being marked as experimental in the

The reason some feature is tagged as “experimental” is that its API may be changed/improved/refactored in future versions, so backward compatibility might get broken at some time.
