How to display tag name of Private Dicom Tag in Orthanc

Hi Author,
I have a dicom which contains private tag ( 7379,3011) and ( 7379,3012 ). When I access the UI, I only see " (Unknown Tag & Data )" but not the name of the tag. I already defined those tags in configuration file :

  "Dictionary" : {
    // "0014,1020" : [ "DA", "ValidationExpiryDate", 1, 1 ]
    // "00e1,c2" : [ "UI", "PET-CT Multi Modality Name", 1, 1, "ELSCINT1" ]
    // "7053,03" : [ "ST", "Original Image Filename", 1, 1, "Philips PET Private Group" ]
    // "2001,5f" : [ "SQ", "StackSequence", 1, 1, "Philips Imaging DD 001" ]
    "7379,3012" : [ "AE", "MyAetitle", 1, 1, "Testing"],
    "7379,3011" : [ "LO", "MyAddress", 1, 1, "Testing"]
    //"4321,1012" : [ "LO", "RadioButton3", 1, 1, "RadioLogic" ]

Command I run

./Orthanc.1.12.1 ./orthanc.json --verbose

I am using Orthanc version 1.12.1


Attachment can be downloaded at : 0dedcc46-b6d3-4789-b3ae-bec3ba707122.dcm - Google Drive

Sorry for asking about something that seems obvious, but have you properly declared your private creator (“Testing”)?

Hi Maksym_Kozub,
Thanks a lot for your response.

but have you properly declared your private creator (“Testing”)?

I am not sure I can understand this. Do you mean I have to configure in orthanc.json (configuration file) or should I have to include private creator (“Testing”) tag in dicom file ?

I am not sure if my dicom tags have valid elements : 3011 and 3012 . But when I change my private dicom tags to : “7379,1011” and “7379,1012” (elements are : 1011, 1012) , and I attach dicom tag 7379, 0010 to the dicom file. Then I can see Orthanc display correctly


I defined Dictionary as following:

  "Dictionary" : {
    // "0014,1020" : [ "DA", "ValidationExpiryDate", 1, 1 ]
    // "00e1,c2" : [ "UI", "PET-CT Multi Modality Name", 1, 1, "ELSCINT1" ]
    // "7053,03" : [ "ST", "Original Image Filename", 1, 1, "Philips PET Private Group" ]
    // "2001,5f" : [ "SQ", "StackSequence", 1, 1, "Philips Imaging DD 001" ]
    "7379,1011" : [ "AE", "ItechAetitle", 1, 1, "Testing"],
    "7379,1012" : [ "LO", "ItechAddress", 1, 1, "Testing"]
    //"4321,1012" : [ "LO", "RadioButton3", 1, 1, "RadioLogic" ]
  // Set the default private creator that is used by Orthanc when it
  // looks for a private tag in its dictionary (cf. "Dictionary"
  // option), or when it creates/modifies a DICOM file (new in Orthanc 1.6.0).
  "DefaultPrivateCreator" : "Testing",

My dicom file is at :

I has following tags:

$ dcmdump 99f4d0fc-a1f9-45c3-8b35-8d8997df6db3 | grep 7379
(7379,0010) LO [Testing]                                #   8, 1 PrivateCreator
(7379,1011) AE [MYSTORAGE]                              #  10, 1 Unknown Tag & Data
(7379,1012) LO []                              #  10, 1 Unknown Tag & Data