Hello. I have an ORTHANC test server locally working for STORE and WORKLIST.
I enabled remote access to the http server, and is working ok, after redirection 8042.
Server name:ORTHANC
I’m not concerned about security and encryption by now, just testing things.
I’ve setup two modalities and both are working in the local network.
Locally, I configured the modalities using ORTHANC,, 4242.
Now I want connect these modalities remotely.
First, I set my router to forward ports 4242 and 104 (104 is the port I’ve specified for the modalities) to my local server ip (this is working for the http server in the 8042 port).
I would like to know how to configure them for connecting from outside my place.
First try was configure a new modality, something like
“miprobe-external” [“PROBE”,mi-public-ip-in-the-other-place,104]
and in my modality, use ORTHANC,public-ip-in-the-server-place,4242
But it didn’t work.
So, which ip’s, port redirections, etc, should I use?