Housekeeper and storage


turned on Housekeeper with default settings (except for schedule which is configured to run after hours) and noticed storage consumption started increasing dramatically. could this be caused by ingest transcoding being set as 1.2.840.10008.


What was the TransferSyntax of studies before running the Housekeeper ?

Having IngestTranscoding set to 1.2.840.10008. (JPEG Lossless) means that the Housekeeper will compress the data which should usually decrease the storage consumption unless the files were previously compressed using a more efficient TransferSyntax.

If you had lossy compression before (e.g.TS = 1.2.840.10008., then switching to JPEG Lossless will indeed dramatically increase the disk usage.



thanks. mystery solved.

would there be any possibility of permitting the edge case of housekeeper retroactively transcoding from .70 back to .50?

I have never tested that. You should prototype it on a test server first.
By default, when compressing to a lossy transfer syntax, Orthanc generates new DICOM identifiers since you are destroying information.

thanks @alainmazy

unfortunately i can’t test it because orthanc crashes when the housekeeper tries to convert .70 to .50

if an incoming study is already .50 and Orthanc is configured to transcode to .50 with a quality of 80%, what will Orthanc do to the incoming .50 study?

I have just allowed the houskeeper to transcode to a lossy transfer syntax and keep the SOPInstanceUID untouched in this case (commit).

Could you give it a try once the mainline binaries are ready (hopefully tomorrow).

thanks again @alainmazy !
will keep an eye open for the mainline binaries