These routes return an expanded response, that includes MainDicomTags and other data on each child element. For very large studies, fetching all the child instances can take a long time (>60 seconds in some instances). Is it possible to fetch just the child IDs for a particular level? I wasn’t able to see that in the docs.
By fetching just the IDs from the database, the call should be dramatically faster.
No, right now, there is indeed no such routes. You have to list e.g the series yourself and then, get all the instances for each series and combine them.
Note that, I’m planning to work on these routes in the near future and optimize the DB accordingly to reduce the number of queries sent to the DB. I was planning to provide options in the url to list what you’d like to have included in the response.
Happy to make a suggestion. Before I look it up, I thought those routes would work the same as the /patients|studies|series|instances routes. Ie that they returned an array of instance ids by default unless ?expand was included. At which point they would provide the expanded response. That keeps the apis consistent. But will mean a breaking change. Perhaps the reserve? expand=false to return just the ids.