Facing Bad Request Error During Uploading DICOM file To THe Live Orthanc Server


This is probably the 5th or 6th email message related to this upload issue to an Orthanc in the cloud. The community will not solve all your problems; at some point, you have to make part of the job yourself:

  • check the orthanc logs (if there’s a bad request, there’s a log).
  • test your files locally before uploading them to your Live Server

There’s one thing you need to understand: if a file can be uploaded locally and can not be uploaded on your Live Server: THIS IS NOT AN ORTHANC ISSUE AND THIS WILL NOT BE ADDRESSED ANYMORE IN THIS FORUM. This is a network/connectivity issue

Furthermore, you, once again, posted the url of an unprotected Orthanc instance in the cloud (FYI: I was able to retrieve your configuration file, I would be able to delete all your data and I posted you some messages in your logs). This clearly shows that you do not understand the basic security/privacy requirements that are needed to manipulate such sensitive data as medical records. So please, ask a professional to assist you.

