Expiring and deleting all valid tokens in orthanc

Greetings… I have the possibility of expiring and deleting all valid tokens in orthanc…


If you your tokens are the ones generated in the scope of the auth-service project, there is no way to invalidate them individually but, if you change your secret key, they will all become invalid.



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Thank you Alain Mazy

The problem is that I have many registered tokens… and I notice that when I send the request to view the images it takes a long time to redirect… to the url from the token and I am thinking… that by having many preview type tokens registered. .this could delay the response of the redirect from the token…

Tokens are not stored in any database - they are self contained. So having generated thousands of them does may not affect performances in any way.

Analyzing the timestamps in the logs of every service might help you understand what’s taking so much time…

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