ECG dcm file not viewable in orthanc?


I have converted .SCP ecg file to .DCM file using C#Ecg toolkit. I could upload it to orthanc successfully but not viewable. I am attaching my files for your view. As a beginner your guidance would be very helpful for me.

patient9.dcm (121.0 KB)



Your sample file seems to display fine in Weasis and David Clunie’s dicom3tools/dciodvfy shows it is valid DICOM for the most part:

todd@Nyhavn Downloads % ~/Applications/dicom3tools/dciodvfy patient9.dcm 
Warning - Missing attribute or value that would be needed to build DICOMDIR - Study ID
Warning - Retired attribute - (0x0010,0x1000) LO Other Patient IDs 
Warning - Dicom dataset contains retired attributes
Error - Missing attribute Type 2 Required Element=<AccessionNumber> Module=<GeneralStudy>
Error - Attribute present when condition unsatisfied (which may not be present otherwise) Type 2C Conditional Element=<Laterality> Module=<GeneralSeries>
Warning - is only permitted to be empty when actually unknown; should be absent (not empty) if an unpaired body part, and have a value if a paired body part - attribute <Laterality>
Error - Attribute present when condition unsatisfied (which may not be present otherwise) Type 1C Conditional Element=<MultiplexGroupTimeOffset> Module=<Waveform>
Warning - Attribute is not present in standard DICOM IOD - (0x0010,0x1000) LO Other Patient IDs 
Warning - Attribute is not present in standard DICOM IOD - (0x0038,0x0300) LO Current Patient Location 
Warning - Attribute is not present in standard DICOM IOD - (0x0038,0x0400) LO Patient's Institution Residence 
Warning - Attribute is not present in standard DICOM IOD - (0x0038,0x4000) LT Visit Comments 
Warning - Attribute is not present in standard DICOM IOD - (0x0040,0x1002) LO Reason for the Requested Procedure 
Warning - Dicom dataset contains attributes not present in standard DICOM IOD - this is a Standard Extended SOP Class

But not all DICOM viewers will display ECGs. You need to make sure the viewer you select is capable of handling DICOM ECGs.


Todd Jensen, PhD
Jensen Informatics LLC

Hello Todd,

Thanks for your reply. Stone web viewer is the default web viewer in the orthanc. Is there any possibility to change the web viewer plugin in orthanc??



Is it possible to integrate weasis dicom waveform into orthanc server.??


I had a client who had similar files. They did display in the Weasis viewer, and yes, you can integrate the Weasis viewer with Orthanc.

Hello scotti,

Please guide me on how to integrate Weasis viewer. I tried storing its plugin files in the orthanc folder but its all in .jar orthanc accepts only .dll files. As a beginner I am really struggling.

I request you to kindly share if you have any documentation on how to integrate weasis in orthanc.



I confirm that as of release 2.6, the Stone Web viewer doesn’t support the rendering of ECG, even though we have plans to do this.

The answer is already on this forum: Orthanc + DICOM-web = Weasis - #16 by jodogne


Thank you for the guidance. This will be helpful for me.