Does (or will) Orthanc support Modality Worklist


    I'm newer to DIACOM but I've been following Orthanc for a while now with rapt attention. Does (or will) Orthanc support Modality Worklist so that imaging machines can query it for Patient demographic information? I took a look through the documentation, watched the video and read the faq but I could not see a direct answer to this.


Dear Joshua,

You are right, Orthanc does not support DICOM Worklists so far. I have just added a card for our development roadmap:

Unfortunately, do not expect it to get implemented before several months, as many other developments have a higher priority.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion and your interest in Orthanc!


Hello Sébastien,

   Thank you so much for responding. I am very excited about Orthanc and will continue to watch for updates.


Dear Joshua,

You are right, Orthanc does not support DICOM Worklists so far. I have just added a card for our development roadmap:

Hello, I want to move from dcm4chee to Orthanc, extending it with the missing parts. I could develop the worklist piece and help you with the Jpeg2k decoding/encoding (I saw the activity is 33% complete on Trello). Just tell me how can I join :slight_smile:

Dear Daniele,

Hello, I want to move from dcm4chee to Orthanc, extending it with the missing parts. I could develop the worklist piece and help you with the Jpeg2k decoding/encoding (I saw the activity is 33% complete on Trello). Just tell me how can I join :slight_smile:

It is great to hear such nice news!

Orthanc 0.7.6 (released earlier this week) integrates full support of JPEG and JPEG-LS. However, no work has been done on the support of DICOM worklists and of JPEG2k so far (the 33% reported by Trello were about the JPEG2k transfer syntax, not about the JPEG2k compression).

I am currently working on a plugin mechanism that could help third-party developers like you to contribute to the core project. I will soon get in touch with you by mail to explain you this process.

Thanks for your interest and regards,


I am just playing around with Orthanc 0.9 under Mac and Linux. I am interested to know whether there is a worklist server plugin in the meantime.

We have to develop a client that creates and transmits worklists for medical devices and a suitable server to test would be great.

Thanks in advance


Dear Torsten,

Orthanc does not support DICOM worklists yet.

The support of worklists is planned in the official roadmap after the release of Orthanc 1.0.0:

However, I cannot tell you when this development will start.


hi Sébastien,
I have a task to implement worklist on orthanc, any guideline from you?



Dear Iman,

hi Sébastien,
I have a task to implement worklist on orthanc, any guideline from you?


Thanks in advance for your contributions!

Does the following new FAQ entry answer your question?
