DNS and ldab


      I would like to ask about the following:
1. Does orthanc support LDAP authentication?

Orthanc does not support LDAP authentication out-of-the-box, but a plugin can be developed using the "OrthancPluginRegisterIncomingHttpRequestFilter()" primitive:

2. Does orthanc support DNS, so we can use name instead of IP in AET conf ?

Orthanc supports DNS lookups for all the HTTP part (both as server and as client).

Regarding the DICOM protocol, DNS lookups are disabled by the following line, as this results in memory leaks within DCMTK:

I will add a generic option to force the enabling of such DNS lookups for DICOM in forthcoming Orthanc 1.2.1. Note however that, in general, DICOM network topologies are defined using raw IP addresses by most PACS managers.
