Just curious if the Stone Viewer is capable of displaying that SOPClassUID ? It seems not because we are getting some errors in the log and in the Web Dev Console. I did import the instance into Weasis, and the EKG tracing displays fine there on the Intel Mac version of Weasis. I have attached an anonymized
EC000001.dcm (120.7 KB)
version of the file also.
I think the relevant error in the Orthanc log is:
I0817 16:33:52.699361 HTTP-9 PluginsManager.cpp:162] (plugins) Won't use GDCM to decode this instance of 0.1MB, as its transfer syntax 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 is disabled
I0817 16:33:52.699692 HTTP-9 ServerContext.cpp:1953] The installed image decoding plugins cannot handle an image, fallback to the built-in DCMTK decoder
E0817 16:33:52.705979 HTTP-9 PluginsManager.cpp:201] Exception while invoking plugin service 6014: Not implemented yet
E0817 16:33:52.706847 HTTP-9 PluginsManager.cpp:154] Cannot uncompress a DICOM image
E0817 16:33:52.707408 HTTP-9 PluginsErrorDictionary.cpp:101] Exception inside the plugin engine: Parameter out of range
and the following in the WebConsole:
Unable to handle this series: app.js:363:17
content https://localhost:8043/stone-webviewer/app.js:363
A partial dcmdump is shown below:
# Dicom-File-Format
# Dicom-Meta-Information-Header
# Used TransferSyntax: Little Endian Explicit
(0002,0000) UL 202 # 4, 1 FileMetaInformationGroupLength
(0002,0001) OB 00\01 # 2, 1 FileMetaInformationVersion
(0002,0002) UI =GeneralECGWaveformStorage # 30, 1 MediaStorageSOPClassUID
(0002,0003) UI [] # 54, 1 MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID
(0002,0010) UI =LittleEndianExplicit # 20, 1 TransferSyntaxUID
(0002,0012) UI [] # 28, 1 ImplementationClassUID
(0002,0013) SH [OFFIS_DCMTK_368] # 16, 1 ImplementationVersionName
# Dicom-Data-Set
# Used TransferSyntax: Little Endian Explicit
(0008,0016) UI =GeneralECGWaveformStorage # 30, 1 SOPClassUID
(0008,0018) UI [] # 54, 1 SOPInstanceUID
(0008,0020) DA (no value available) # 0, 0 StudyDate
(0008,0023) DA (no value available) # 0, 0 ContentDate
(0008,0030) TM (no value available) # 0, 0 StudyTime
(0008,0033) TM (no value available) # 0, 0 ContentTime
(0008,0050) SH (no value available) # 0, 0 AccessionNumber
(0008,0060) CS [ECG] # 4, 1 Modality
(0008,0070) LO [GE Medical Systems] # 18, 1 Manufacturer
(0008,0090) PN (no value available) # 0, 0 ReferringPhysicianName
(0010,0010) PN [Anonymized 87121be7] # 20, 1 PatientName
(0010,0020) LO [87121be7-7a52-4605-8920-ae5c8771b2f7] # 36, 1 PatientID
(0010,0030) DA (no value available) # 0, 0 PatientBirthDate
(0010,0040) CS (no value available) # 0, 0 PatientSex
(0012,0062) CS [YES] # 4, 1 PatientIdentityRemoved
(0020,000d) UI [] # 54, 1 StudyInstanceUID
(0020,000e) UI [] # 54, 1 SeriesInstanceUID