Hi Authors,
I see that dcm4chee supports passing transfer syntax parameter into the wado-rui request. 4.2.6. WADO-URI Specification — DICOM Conformance Statement dcm4che Archive 5 . I wonder if orthanc should support that parameter also ?
Hi Authors,
I see that dcm4chee supports passing transfer syntax parameter into the wado-rui request. 4.2.6. WADO-URI Specification — DICOM Conformance Statement dcm4che Archive 5 . I wonder if orthanc should support that parameter also ?
This is not supported in the WADO-URI API as of version 1.17 of the DICOMweb plugin, as can be seen in the Status.txt
However, it is supported WADO-RS API. For instance, the following command will transcode a DICOM instance from our demo server into a JPEG2k DICOM instance:
$ curl https://orthanc.uclouvain.be/demo/dicom-web/studies/ -H 'Accept: multipart/related; type=application/dicom; transfer-syntax=1.2.840.10008.' > /tmp/jpeg2k.dcm
As always, if you need such a feature in the context of a scientific project, feel free to contact my research lab to have this feature implemented.
Kind Regards,
Thanks a lot Sébastien,
I think Wado-rs route returns Multipart response, but not raw dicom file. Hence, There is an extra step to parse Multipart response to get the dicom file. I might think to create a Pull Request to Orthanc team to merge my code of supporting transfer syntax param in wado-uri url.