Dicomweb speed

I made tests to load several images of xrays (2-3 images around 20MB each one) from an orthanc server in my local network, ssd disk, gigabit ethernet with weasis dicom viewer using as Retrieve protocal C-GET and i compare it wirh Retrieve protocol wado-uri.
With Retrieve protocol C-GET all images load instantly, with wado-uri it takes 10-12 seconds.
This is constant in all my tests.
Orther viewers that using c-get or c-move load images instantly.
Oviyam viewer through wado, delays also but it is an HTML viewer
This is normal due to the protocol?

Many thanks.


There is visibly an issue with your setup.

Please provide full minimal working example (including sample DICOM images and the URL you use for WADO-URI on these images), otherwise we can’t provide any support:
