I am really amazed by the server orthanc and your work.
i use it, and i learn a lot about it.
I am totally satisfied. but the server need some plugins that will make it tremendous.
for the stored studies, we may need to print some images to computer printer or dicom printer.
for computer printer or dicom printer we like to have a manipulated page to :
choose the image from the study to print.
choose the layout of print out like 2x2 images etc …
to zoom in and out the image on the page.
to play with the brightness and contrast of the images.
then finally choose to print to computer printer or laser dicom printer.
second plugin,
we like to have a plugin to save some studies with lite dicom viewer.
using this on same server dvd writer.
hope you take my request seriously and help me have these.
2/ We are actively working on the “Stone of Orthanc” rendering toolkit that will ease the development of such a lightweight desktop viewer to be burnt on DVD: https://www.orthanc-server.com/static.php?page=stone
In OrthancTools (java version) you are able to manually select studies and generate ISO files (see export feature in the main view of Orthanc Tools). I didn’t plane to port this feature in OrthancToolsJS because I didn’t find a JS library to generate ISO file.