Customizing Osimis's button, Path and adding a new translation language

Hi there! I’ve been messing with Orthanc and Osimis for some time now and it took me quite a while to even manage to compile and run both on windows, there are a few things that i couldn’t figure out yet though…

Osimis Button.jpg

Does anyone know where can i find and style that button? I’ve searched Orthanc and Osimis’s code but so far couldn’t find it…

Osimis Path.jpg

I’d like to change the path shown in the address bar to, for example: http://localhost:8042/viewer/app/index.html?study=5992760b-943524aa-e1000e5d-208f2610-d4375d70

instead of the usual: http://localhost:8042/osimis-viewer/app/index.html?study=5992760b-943524aa-e1000e5d-208f2610-d4375d70

I’ve also been having some trouble trying to add a new language translation (brazilian portuguese - pt-br) to osimis’s but while it worked fine in dev mode when i finally compiled the .dll it didn’t work, it’s showing property names: ‘Components.toolbox.zoom’ instead of the actual translation: ‘Zoom’(in this case it is the same as in english). I’m guessing theres a reference that i need to update to include the new language .json since i’m getting the following error ‘:8042/osimis-viewer/languages/ptbr:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)’, funny thing is, i’ve checked the build folder and it is already there at ‘languages/ptbr.json’

Hopefully someone out here will be able to lend me a hand, thanks in advance!

Hi Marcos,

You may change the button appearance and link in this file:

For the languages, you should add them there:

BTW, we’d be glad if you could provide us with the pt-br translations such that we can include them in a future release; I think there are quite a lot of users in Brazil that could benefit from it.

Best regards,


Osimis Button.jpg

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Thanks!! I’ll gladly share the translation, where should i post it?

Osimis Button.jpg

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You can post it here and we’ll reintegrate in the code.

Osimis Button.jpg

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Here it goes! I didn’t manage to make pt-br work though, so, following the same pattern that’s already being used, i named it after the language only, though i’m certain that people from other portuguese speaking countries could disagree with some of the translations…

Osimis Button.jpg

Osimis Path.jpg

pt.json (3.91 KB)

One more thing though, you helped me with a way to style the button and change the path that i’m calling(when click on the osimis web viewer button) but if i just change the link it won’t just work:
how can i change the path where osimis is actually hosted so that i can change the
“‘…/osimis-viewer/app/index.html?study=’ + study);”
“‘…/viewer/app/index.html?study=’ + study);”

and make it work normally?

Osimis Button.jpg

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Thanks for the pt translations !

If you want to change the url where your plugin is hosted, you should actually look for all occurrences of “/osimis-viewer/” in the whole repository and change them to your route. Indeed, the html code is not the only place, there are references both in the html/js code and in the C++ code.

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Ok then, thanks!

Osimis Button.jpg

Osimis Path.jpg