Croatian characters


I need help about printing Croatian characters with Epson robot.
I’ve setup latest Orthanc and Orthanc_tools, burning works fine. But problem is with special characters like čćžšđ. When sending to Orthanc from Sectra in explorer I get this: è枚ð^ÈƎŠÐ insetad: ČĆŽŠĐ čćžšžđ. Almost all our modalities send

  • 0008,0005 (SpecificCharacterSet): ISO_IR 100

If modality doesn’t send (for example one of ultrasound devices) 0008,0005, then Orthanc set Latin2 and everything is ok. Is there some possibility that Orthanc always use “DefaultEncoding” : “Latin2”,?



If not specified otherwise, the DefaultEncoding is Latin1: but you should check your configuration.

If the SpecificCharacterSet is not set correctly by the modalities, you may try to fix it when instances are received in Orthanc through a lua script.

I don’t have much experience with these encodings. If you could share one file of each kind (possibly anonymized but still with Croation characters), I can have a look and hopefully provide some recommendations.

Here is dicom file attached:

Dana četvrtak, 28. listopada 2021. u 11:32:58 UTC+2 korisnik napisao je: (205 KB)

Hi Tomi,

I have analysed your files. Since this is not the first time we have this kind of question, I have added a section in the orthanc-book (so, at least, next time, I’m more efficient to analyse it :slight_smile: !)



Orthanc does not display the PatientName correctly##

If your DICOM files are valid, Orthanc should display all strings correctly both in the UI and in the Rest API in which all strings are converted to UTF-8.

However, it might still be useful to understand what’s wrong in your files such that you can possibly fix your files once they have been stored in Orthanc or configure your modality correctly.

Example 1: a DICOM file is sent to Orthanc with SpecificCharacterSet set to ISO_IR 100 (Latin1). The PatientName is expected to be ccžšd^CCŽŠÐ but Orthanc displays ccžšd^CCŽŠÐ. If you open the DICOM file in an Hex editor and search for the PatientName, you’ll find this sequence of bytes: 63 63 9e 9a 64 5e 43 43 8e 8a d0. By checking the Latin1 code page, you realise that the 9e and 9a characters are not valid Latin1 characters and are therefore replaced by ž in Orthanc UI.

In this case, they have most likely been generated on a Windows system by using the default Windows 1252 encoding in which 9e is ž.

How to solve it ? It is highly recommended to fix it before Orthanc: in your RIS, worklist server or modality. However, if you can not fix it there, you may still try to fix it once the file has been stored in Orthanc. You can get inspiration from this lua script that is fixing invalid UTF-8 characters

Hmmm thanks, but I don’t have a clue how go edit and what in lua script. Don’t know nothing about lua :grimacing::flushed::nerd_face:

Dana petak, 29. listopada 2021. u 19:01:32 UTC+2 korisnik napisao je: