Is there a place that the configuration of
is publicly available?
I have to major issues:
- I cannot disable http basic authentication completely but it is somehow implemented on the demo server. I need it for test purposes.
Setting RemoteAccessAllowed = true, AuthenticationEnabled = false does create some default user:
W1012 19:13:24.083315 main.cpp:961] Remote access is allowed but “AuthenticationEnabled” is not in the configuration, automatically enabling HTTP authentication for security
W1012 19:13:24.083320 main.cpp:987] ====> HTTP authentication is enabled, but no user is declared. Creating a default user: Review your configuration option “RegisteredUsers”. Your setup is INSECURE <====
- I am curious what is the exact dicom-web configuration because I have issues with the integration with the Weasis 4 dicom viewer. The viewer imports the studies via dicom-web but not importing the studies from my test server. On the other side it works on the https://demo.orthanc-server.com/dicom-web server
I can find the patients but the following error appears when I try to load the files in the
E1012 17:06:07.915083 PluginsManager.cpp:153] Unsupported return MIME type: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2, will return DICOM+JSON
E1012 17:06:07.936658 PluginsManager.cpp:153] Unsupported return MIME type: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2, will return DICOM+JSON
Thank you in advance,