Conf file does not work in linux standard base

I downloaded linux standard base version 1.12.4 from here. It works well. I can visit localhost:8042 and see the explorer.

Then I tried to add a configuartion file using the default configuration. But after I run
./Orthanc --verbose --config=c.json --logfile=a.txt
It just quits and does not give any output.

Is the linux standard base version designed to not take config as an input? i.e. Is the config hard-encoded into the code? But from the instructions here, it seems that it can take config file as input.

My final goal is to set up the stone viewer.

My linux info
lsb_release -a

LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description: CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
Release: 7.7.1908
Codename: Core

Seems that I can only have 2 links in a post, the conf I used is from orthanc: 816416425f2b OrthancServer/Resources/Configuration.json


the --config option creates a sample configuration file and exit.

You just don’t need the --config



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By the way, how can I mark this question as resolved?

Actually, we don’t mark questions as resolved…